Thursday, January 22, 2009

a quick hola

so as it turns out, i'm not very good at updating this. surprise.

i've been here almost 3 weeks now... so weird. last night i had a dream that it was all over already and i was coming home, and it was one of those dreams that when i woke up, i was scared was real. i guess that must mean i'm enjoying myself !

so, in the last 2 weeks i...

went to madrid (north)
went to granada (south/ absolutely amazing)
went on 3 different tours of toledo
absent-midedly wandered onto the completely WRONG bus, destination: middle of nowhere
started liking "fama! a bailar"
picked up on some swear words that bea uses pretttty often...
ate 2 big macs
ate fish that still had bones and a tail
drank a 1 euro box of wine
was interviewed by spanish radio about our new president
have not cried

i think that's a pretty good summary... sorry so short. gotta pack and then off to valencia for the weekend - warmer weather, authenic paella, and a BEACH... yes katie, that means you're getting some spanish sand.

hasta luego

coming soon: people watching, the civil war, and how not to look american

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